Welcome to SeinGayHar.Com.
As a leading retailer in Myanmar, SeinGayHar.Com is our next step in reaching our loyal customers and new ones alike via online. Our Online Mall aims to offer many quality products and items that are currently on sale at Sein Gay Har stores with the Best possible services available.
We also strive to provide the fast and reliable delivery services at the convenience of our customers’ time and place.
As your trusted retailer, we promise to offer exceptional convenience, choice and value to our online customers.
Our Location
Sein Gay Har Super Centre

No.44, Pyay Road,
Dagon Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Sein Gay Har Hledan Centre

No.39/41, Hledan Road,
Kamayut Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Sein Gay Har Parami Centre
Parami Street,
Between Insein Road & Baho Road,
Hlaing Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Sein Gay Har Hlaing Thar Yar
Mingyi Mahar Min Khaung Street,
Industrial Zone(3),
Hlaing Thar Yar Township,
Yangon, Myanmar
Sein Gay Har Kan Thar Yar
Thudamar Road & Khaymarthi Road,
Kantharyar Park,
North-Oakkalarpa Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Sein Gay Har Inn Sein Aung San Center

Sein Gay Har Inn Sein Aung San Center
No.62 Lower Mingalardon Rd,
Yangon 11011, Myanmar (Burma)
Sein Gay Har China Town

No-678, Mahabandoola Road,
Latha Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Sein Gay Har Bo Aung Kyaw

Olympic Tower
Corner of Mahabandoola Road
& Bo Aung Kyaw Street,
Kyauktada Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Shwe Taung Tan Store

Corner of Mahabandoola Road
& Shwetaungtan Street,
Lanmadaw Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Sein Gay Har Dagon Center
Myay Ni Gone,
SanChaung Township,
Yangon, Myanmar